Ho! Ho! Ho! Of to shope we go!
It's december, going out to eat during your lunch break... All the spots are filled, booked up, and don't even worry about finding a parking space within 15 min, you won't. Every year it seems to get worse. The Christmas rush, seems to be ever moving away from tradition, and more to spendition.To give is a grand, but it seems, somehow fake, as years go by. It's almost expected to give and receive, so where is the choice of the heart? We stress over; finding the right gift, spending too much or not enough, shipping it in time, etc.
I've never thought of myself as a scrooge, as I tend to be a very giving person, without want of return. I feel I might be becoming one, in counter to the attitude I find while simply walking through a mall. People rushing, shoving, clawing their way through the stores. All the more rude, and it's getting to be an epidemic. Gone, it seems, are the days of the majority having greater hearts & courtesy. People used to change for the better during this season. More forgiving, and giving. A time to rejoice in what God gave us, his only son.
So now I feel the desire to say "BAH" to the presents, "BAH" to the rude & inconsiderate mall masses. Instead of presents, I'll provide my time, to help others. I'll provide my monies, to those in true need. I'll give song, to those needing up lifting. All this can work to provide more joy & spirit, than ANY packaged gift.